May 18 2020
I miss film. There’s no two ways about it. I miss film. I shoot it for the odd personal project, but hardly anyone wants to pay to cover the cost of it for a job. I can’t blame them, digital is the industry standard. I just miss film.
Something magical happens when the shutter opens and light hits film, and no one will ever convince me digital can fully replicate it. I also miss the care we had to take, digital is a blessing and a curse because for better or worse, you can just keep shooting. Managing digital archives takes up so much space because I’m not forced to consider 36 frames at a time. Or 12. I miss that. I try to practice restraint when I shoot digital, and then I just keep shooting. But lucky for me the beginning of my career was the death rattle of film as the industry standard and the first decade or so of me with camera in hand took the form of 35mm and 120mm. I also took the odd film camera on the road with me to just have some fun that I could look back at when I got home.
I scanned some of that recently, and really enjoyed the walk down memory lane. Particularly the shots of No Doubt and Stone Temple Pilots. Both were big moments to teenage me to get to shoot. Still are. wanted to pay homage the wonderful folks at Ilford, Kodak, and Fuji that created beautiful chemistry for us all to play with.